miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015



All 3rd ESO students did some surveys to tourists at The Sagrada Família neighbourhood. First, we all elaborated some interesting questions about The Sagrada Família neighbourhood  and Catalan education. Once they were done, we went to the area around  The Sagrada Familia and we got divided into groups.



        The Sagrada Familia nowadays.

         School 60 years ago


 Here's the result of our analysis:

1) Do you think that the Sagrada Familia neighbourhood is more touristy/ less touristy/ the same as in the centre of Barcelona?

2) On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest mark), how clean do you think the Sagrada Familia is?

3) On a scale from 1 to 10, how good do you think the level of English is in shops, restaurants and so on?


4) Which languages did you learn at school?

5) What languages do you think students used to study at school in the past? (60 years ago for instance)

6) SECOND VIDEO. Harlem Shake at Roig Tesalia in 2011-2012. What did people think of it?

We showed this Harlem Shake video to the tourists to make them realise the difference between  schools nowadays and schools 60 years ago.
In general tourists thought that the video was modern, espontaneous, cool/funny, impressive, good for us and a bit "wild".The answers were different from what we expected; we thought that they would say that it was a bit "silly" and anticonventional but we got pleasantly surprised. They really enjoyed what we did!!!

7) CONCLUSION. Do you think that our project is:
          A) Very interesting
          B) Quite interesting
          C) Interesting
          D) Not so interesting


The tourists' answers have really impressed us. We, Susanna, Alessandro, Sabrina, Alba and Vicenç-the group of this year- have come to the conclusion that there are unpleasant and friendly people. We started doing the surveys to tourists and all of them rejected us at the begining. We were also very nervous. We met a lot of different people from various nationalities such as Danish, Australians, Indians, English, Americans, Canadians and so on. Once we finished, we all met up and we went back to school to collect the data and do some analysis for our project.
As for the results of our project, we've seen that a lot of people have answered the same things. We are happy because people from other countries said more good things than bad ones about this neighbourhood and about the city. We think that this project has been very interesting, useful  in order to meet new people and it was a way for us to get less shy!

 We want to thank the tourists and the teacher for their help!



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